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Advertising Sales Increase

#1 Get Your Cash Register Going!


Why not take advantage of all that Senior Scene® Magazine has to offer?  It is a beautiful, full-color and elegant-looking publication that is sought after by Space Coast Seniors month-after-month for decades now.  Up to 14,000 copies are distributed FREE-OF-CHARGE each month to hundreds of locations throughout Brevard County where they are snapped up by eager readers.

Make Shoppers Pay Attention

#2 Make Shoppers Pay Attention


Senior Scene® Magazine, with its laser-like focus and popularity among Seniors in Brevard County, is the advertising tool that can help you make Shoppers pay attention.  After all, with 1 in 4 persons over age 65 in our area (and 1 out of 2 persons over age 50 – the AARP definition of “Senior”, this is the market with time and money and an interest in all things to help them enjoy their Senior years.


More Sales Today and Everyday

#3 More Sales Today and Everyday


Unlike other advertising options, Senior Scene® Magazine delivers sales today – and everyday – because of the loyalty of its reader base and the quality of the magazine’s content.  It is not unusual for readers to request back issues of Senior Scene® Magazine or for them to tell us they keep a library of past issues at their home.  When considering your advertising and looking for a cost-effective way to reach traditional print audiences and today’s online audiences, Senior Scene® Magazine is the help you’ve been wanting to get sales today and everyday!

Senior Scene Advertising Works

So many excellent and affordable advertising channels exist in Senior Scene® Magazine – from traditional printed magazine advertising, featuring full-page, half-page, and affordable quarter-page space, as well as editorial/informational space solutions to cutting edge online and social media solutions featuring display space, banner ad space and social media campaigns.

And Senior Scene® Magazine is a surprisingly affordable marketing solution – you would be very surprised to learn how effectively and economically you can reach Senior Scene® Magazine’s readership on a one-time or regular basis.

Call us today … Let’s get this started and get your business growing!


Senior Scene Advertising Department 321-777-1114



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