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Rev. Jeff Wood, First Presbyterian Church of Sebastian
WeLoveFirst.org & Facebook.com/welovefirstsebastian
Thirty six times a particular phrase comes up in the New Testament. Repeats are important. When Jesus says the repeat, “Verily, verily,” it’s his way of saying, “Heads up on this.” So thirty six times means, “Christians, heads up!”
What is so repeated you may ask? What should we have our heads up on? The phrase is “one another.” Submit to one another. Bear one another’s burdens. Encourage one another. And so on.
Many times we say that we have a private faith and what I think someone is saying with that is that their faith has an intimacy that they are not just simply going to wear on their sleeve. But this phrase tells us we also have a “one another” faith. Not either or but both and. This biblical faith is a team faith. I cannot be completely succeeding in it if you also aren’t succeeding in it. We live and believe and serve together.
First Presbyterian, 1405 Louisiana Ave, Sebastian, FL 32958 (772-589-5656)
Welovefirst.org / facebook.com/welovefirstsebastian
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