It’s a Miracle
Rev. Jeff Wood, First Presbyterian Church of Sebastian &
The New Testament book called Acts has to do with the Holy Spirit acting through Jesus’ disciples. The first miracle done by those disciples after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is when Peter and James heal a man lame from birth. This qualifies as the first miracle in the way we normally think about miracles. But I actually sometimes think the first miracle happened just prior to this when the disciples sold all they had and gave to those in need. If each of us did that, I would be every bit as impressed as if someone in a wheelchair got up and walked! But, admittedly, that’s a different order of miracle.
We usually think of a miracle as something supernatural, where the norms of nature are set aside and something really good happens – water turns to wine, blind receive their sight, lepers are cleansed, and lame walk. Sometimes the miracles have to do with hearing. A man named John came to one church’s prayer and healing service asking the pastor for help with his hearing. The pastor stuck both fingers in both ears and prayed a fervent prayer. Then he asked John how his hearing was. John replied, “I don’t know. It is in the county criminal justice system court next Thursday.”
Hmmm. Let’s get back to things like deafness to hearing. Some people wonder if there really are such things as miracles. They think miracles are people’s fancy and there are simply explanations within the laws of nature for what occurred. If you don’t believe in God, then no miracles is a path you could, or even should, take. But if you believe there is a God, who is supernatural, then it would actually be unreasonable not to be open to miracles.
I wonder what it would be like if we all shared miracles we have experienced. Oh, the stories we would hear … all the way from body parts healed to an alcoholic’s money for booze turned into a recovered alcoholic’s money for furniture. May you see some miracles in your life.
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