The Big and Good from the Little
Rev. Jeff Wood, First Presbyterian Church of Sebastian &
The Christmas season is in the rear view mirror. One of the lessons from that season is one we can still use in February 2022. The prophet Micah foretold that little Bethlehem would be the birthplace of the messiah. Another prophet spoke of small still Nazareth as a place associated with the messiah. If Bethlehem is a Chihuahua, Nazareth is a flea on the Chihuahua. And yet someone very big comes from this small place and this smallest of places.
A lot of times we don’t believe something big or good can come from little us and we’re saying, “I don’t think something big or good can come from not only little me but pitiful, crummy me.” But if God did it bringing Jesus from Nazareth, what’s to say that he couldn’t bring Jesus goodness and bigness from you?
Seems like a lot of aging is us getting smaller. Smaller capacity. Smaller energy. Can’t do what I used to. Can’t drive at night. Can’t sleep through the night. Can’t remember why I came into this room. But God still brings big from small, even if it is the smallness of being older, and that means he can and will bring good from you.
Rev. Jeff Wood First Presbyterian of Sebastian 1405 Louisiana Ave., 32958
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