The One Command of Jesus

Rev. Jeff Wood, First Presbyterian Church of Sebastian &

Rev Jeff Wood



  • Thirty six times a particular phrase comes up in the New Testament.  Repeats are important, a way of saying, “Heads up!”   The repeat is, “One another.”  Encourage one another.  Admonish one another.  Bear one another’s burdens.  And so on. 

    There is one of those one another phrases that is repeated ten times and it is thus the granddaddy of them all.  That one is love one another.

    Will Durant was a famous historian.  He wrote The History of Civilization.  At 92 years old he was interviewed on tv and reflecting on life said, “My final lesson of history is the same as that of Jesus….love one another.”  When Christ says to love one another he uses the Greek word agape.  This is a love that sacrifices for the best interests of the other.

    For all of our sakes, let us love one another. 

    Join us at First Presbyterian of Sebastian as we work positively and together on a “one another faith.”   Sunday worship is at 10 am in a traditional but personal format.  Lent offers a special season of faith expression and faith growth.  For it we have Wednesday pot-lucks with devotionals at 5 pm.  All are welcome.

    First Presbyterian, 1405 Louisiana Ave, Sebastian, FL 32958  (772-589-5656)  /