The Purpose of Our Church is …

Rev. Jeff Wood, First Presbyterian Church of Sebastian &

Rev Jeff Wood



  • I have a family member who just read The Purpose Drive Life by Rick Warren.  It’s a good book.  It was preceded by another that was good, The Purpose Driven Church.  Rick had a pretty simple outline.  I’ve got one that has worked for me that’s more simple.  Does it work for you?  I imagine a synergy as we oscillate between these two purposes of the church.  Enjoy.

    Worship                                 and                  Witness

    Know God                              and                  Make God known

    Great Commandment             and                  Great Commission

    Great Command #1                and                  Great Command #2

    Grow                                       and                  Go

    Gathered                                 and                  Scattered

    Inner Journey                          and                  Outer Journey

    Discipleship                             and                  Apostleship

    Doxological                             and                  Missiological

    Rejoice                                    and                  Renew

    Reached                                  and                  Reaching


    Rev. Jeff Wood  First Presbyterian, 1405 Louisiana Ave, Sebastian FL 32903 (772)589-5656