Rev Jeff Wood

Rev. Jeff Wood, First Presbyterian Church of Sebastian &

What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Spiritual gifts are different ways people can make contributions to others welfare.  They are called spiritual gifts because they are implanted and incited by the Holy Spirit.  The most extended passage about gifts in the New Testament is I Corinthians 12 to 14.  Right smack in the middle is I Corinthians 13, the well known chapter about love.  “Love is patient, kind, … keeps no account of wrongs ….”    What we can take from the whole of these three chapters is that true serving takes love and true love involves serving. After all, the love chapter is in the middle of it all.  You, then in the love month of February, are invited to serve others with love.

Rev. Jeff Wood,  1405 Louisiana Ave, Sebastian FL 32958.
Find us online at or at  Call for further information 772-589-5656