2022 Brevard Stand Down to Stand Up: No One Left Behind
by Donn Weaver, Council Chairman
After nearly three years of the event on hold due to Covid, the 25th Annual Central Brevard County “Stand Down to Stand Up” will take place at the Cocoa Armory on October 8. The event is designed to offer a wide range of support and much more to homeless veterans and veterans in distress during these tough economic times and their families.
This year’s event organizers project about 100 homeless veterans and 150 or more veterans facing major challenges will attend. Also expected are 200 or more volunteers including professionals who will offer a wide range of services.
The 2022 program is staged by the Brevard Veterans Memorial Center in partnership with the Florida Army National Guard in Cocoa and many veteran and other organizations. Generous donations from the Good Deeds Foundation of the Cape Canaveral Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America, the IRCC Foundation in Viera and individual donors have come through with funding, while hundreds are donating items like good clothes, toiletries, towels, and food and their TIME to make it a big success.
When on active duty military members always had each other to offer help when needed. After leaving the service, veterans, like all of us, run into rough patches. The Stand Down to Stand Up is focused on helping them out and especially on connecting them to job opportunities where over 30 vendors are expected. That is the Stand Up focus this year so that no veteran or their family is left behind.
For more information about donating to this unique event contact the VMC via Donn Weaver, Council Chairman, and 757-871-6576.
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